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Bridging Play with MESH Helps


MESH Helps started with a question, “How can we strengthen the skills kids need for their mental, emotional, and social health and build resilience through play?”. ThinkFun inaugurated this initiative in partnership with resilience expert, Dr. Deborah Gilboa who prepared research and built the MESH White Paper.

When kids have secure, positive relationships with trusted adults it allows them to make more sense of changes or challenges - key to building resilience. It is important for children to play with peers for development, but nothing compares to the joy, satisfaction, and mental, emotional, and social skills a child builds from playing with a caregiver. Bridging play between kids and adults helps build a child’s self-esteem, learn about the world, and provides opportunities for them to learn new skills while building a bond.


Bridging Play as defined by MESH encourages children and adults to play together and connect which is critical to build mental, emotional, and social health skills.

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