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Peggy Brown - Out of Thin Air


Five years ago, I shared a story in the Bloom Report about somebody who contacted me out of the blue to share that a game I designed a lonnng, long time ago has held an important place in his heart over much of his life. That one email meant a lot to me, and once in a while when I think about it, it makes me smile out loud.


Guess what? It happened again. Recently this email appeared out of thin air (or perhaps from heaven) and landed squarely in my inbox…


Message: Hi! I was wondering if anyone makes King's Court anymore? My brother and I played it all the time as kids and now as adults, we had our childhood set that passed back and forth between our houses to play with our own kids- the box was all taped up and falling apart but we had all the pieces and the board! Unfortunately, it was at his house when it burned down in the Eaton Fire this last week. I'm trying to track down a copy to replace it. Thank you for any information! -Ashley


GULP. No way.


A little context…


The Eaton Fire is one of the ferocious wildfires that devastated a large area of Los Angeles.


King’s Court was the very first game I ever worked on. I sculpted the play pieces out of modeling clay, did their part drawings by hand, and worked with the people at the factory to disable the mixing screw on the supply hopper of the injection molding equipment to make the colors of the play pieces swirly like marble instead of solid colors.



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