Two extraordinary word puzzlers come together for a conversation on Wordle tactics and more!
Will Shortz Puzzle Master for NPR's “Weekend Edition Sunday” Crossword Editor of The New York Times Founder and Director of the American Crossword Puzzle Tournament, Founder of the World Puzzle Championship in 1992 Co-founded the World Puzzle Federation in 1999. The world’s only academically accredited puzzle master, Will has a degree in Enigmatology, the study of puzzles from Indiana University. He is the author or editor of more than 500 puzzle books and has appeared as himself in both movies and television. There is so much more to read about Will, we suggest perusing his website HERE. To watch Will's first POP Duo with Garry Trudeau, visit here.
Josh Wardle Software Engineer, Product Manager, Artist Josh Wardle, a software engineer, is best known for creating the word game Wordle. In January of 2022, The New York Times Company acquired Wordle from Josh. You can now satisfy your Wordle addiction every day in the New York Times. In October, Hasbro debuted a tabletop game based on Wordle.